公式ファンゾーン・サテライト会場の再開について FIBAバスケットボールワールドカップ2023ファンゾーン及びサテライト・ファンゾーン会場について、台風接近の予報を受け、2023年8月31日~2023年9月1日の2日間中止としておりましたが、下記のとおり再開することといたしましたので、お知らせいたします。 【再開期間】 2023年9月2日(土曜日)~9月3日(日曜日) 【開場時間】 15時30分~第2試合終了30分後クローズを予定 【対象会場】 ファンゾーン/奥武山公園 サテライト会場/沖縄こどもの国 サテライト会場/サンセットビーチ 【留意事項】 ・天候や各会場の復旧状況により、会場時間に遅れが生じる場合がございます。 ・当初予定していたプログラムや実施コンテンツに変更が生じる場合がございます。 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 日本バスケットボール協会HP(外部サイト)

[FBWC2023] Cancellation of Satellite Fanzone due to approaching Typhoon No. 11
Cancellation of FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023 Fanzone due to approach of Typhoon No. 11 The FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023 Fanzone and Satellite Fanzone venues, which were scheduled to be held from Thursday 31 August to Sunday 3 September 2023, have been cancelled during the following period due to the forecast of an approaching […]

2023 Chatan Summer Night Festival
The 2023 Chatan Summer Night Festival will be held on the Depot Island seaside boardwalk from Friday, August 25th to Sunday, September 3rd, 2023! There will be a variety of live shows, including dance, music, and Eisa! Please invite your family and friends to come and join us! [Inquiries] Chatan Tourism Design Lab (Okuhara) Tel: […]

August is Okinawa's tourism month!
沖縄県では、沖縄県観光振興条例において、8月1日を「観光の日」と定めています。 また、観光産業に対する理解と関心を深めて、 観光客を温かく迎え入れるおもてなしの心を県民が共有することを目的に、 8月を「観光月間」と位置づけています。 観光月間中は、県内各地でクリーンアップ活動や各地の地域イベントとタイアップを実施します。 詳しくは観光月間特設サイト

Cancellation of the fireworks display on Friday, August 4th (37th Seaport Chatan Carnival)
The Seaport Chatan Carnival fireworks display scheduled for tomorrow, August 4th (Friday) at 8pm will be canceled. The event has been cancelled due to the expected bad weather caused by Typhoon 6. Organized by: Seaport Chatan Carnival Executive Committee Inquiries: 098-936-1234 (Chatan Town Hall Tourism Division)

Announcement of the 37th Seaport Chatan Carnival
Date and time: Friday, July 21, 2023 to Friday, September 29, 2023 and Sunday, August 20, 2023 Every Friday at 8pm (12 times in total) Launching location: Hamagawa fishing port (west breakwater) Organized by: Seaport Chatan Carnival Executive Committee Inquiries: 098-936-1234 (Chatan Town Hall Tourism Division) *There will be no events at Sunset Beach. *The […]

Event "Yui Rail Festival"
Announcement of "Yui Rail Festival" event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the monorail's opening Date and time: Sunday, July 2, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Location: Tedako Uranisi Station (3-21 Maeda, Urasoe City) Event contents: Mobile aquarium, working vehicle exhibition, mini drone piloting experience, Mölkky experience, Kids village, vegetable sales, food trucks, […]

Congratulations!! Chatan Town Park Golf Course is open(^^♪
A park golf course opened in Sunabe, Chatan Town in April 2023! Anyone can use it, whether they are a local resident or a tourist. For details on fees, hours, and course information, please click here. "Chatan Town Park Golf Course"

Announcement of 3x3 basketball and skateboarding event [CHATAN URBAN GAMES]

Free invitation to FC Ryukyu official match [Chatan Town Residents Day]
Free invitation to FC Ryukyu official match [Chatan Town Residents Day]