1. Notice
  2. Bokunen Art Museum - Support Project by Art Free Admission


Bokunen Art Museum - Support Project by Art Free Admission



Support Project with Art Free admission to the Museum
Period: May 20 (Wed) - September 30 (Wed), 2020 11:00~19:30 (Closed on Tuesdays)

The prefectural government's request for closure and declaration of a state of emergency to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus were lifted on April 14, and the museum reopened for business on April 15.
I am sure there were many people, including ourselves, who had to deal with a variety of anxieties during the self-restraint. We hope that viewing Bokunen prints will help to relieve some of the stress and provide a little diversion, so we have decided to offer free admission to the museum under the title of the "Art for Support Project. We will take all possible precautions and measures to ensure the safety and security of our customers, staff, and other concerned parties.
Please see details below and visit the museum.


Requests for visitors to the museum

(1) If you have symptoms of a cold, such as a fever, or if you are concerned about your own health, please do not take any chances.
⑵ We would like to ask our visitors to wear masks as a form of cough etiquette.
(3) Alcohol disinfectant is available at the entrance and exit of the museum. (3) Alcohol disinfectant is available at the entrance of the building.
⑷ Please keep a certain distance from other visitors in the exhibition.
⑸ Please refrain from talking or staying in the exhibition for long periods of time.


The museum has implemented the following measures

(⑴ If crowding is expected, visitors may be asked to wait for admission.
(⑵A disinfectant spraying operation is regularly conducted in the museum and exhibition galleries.
(3) Doorknobs, handrails, and other areas that many customers come into contact with are cleaned with disinfectant and other cleaning agents.
⑷ Proper ventilation is provided in the building.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understanding in preventing the spread of the virus.


Bokunen Art Museum